ADLS and iADLS: Understanding the Nitty-Gritties of Daily Care

A woman and two women cooking together in the kitchen.

While ADLs stands for Activities of Daily Living, iADLs means Instrumental Activities of Daily Living. ADLs are the fundamental activities that allow patients to care for themselves, such as bathing and using the restroom. iADLs, on the other hand, are more complex, but they are also important in resuming a patient’s life. Balancing a checkbook…

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Why is Medication Management Important for Seniors?

A person holding something in their hand.

Medication management entails monitoring, medication reconciliation, and ensuring that the patient achieves the intended results. Medication management is necessary for patients who struggle with understanding their regimen’s effects and those who do not experience their desired results. These patients mostly include seniors who have problems remembering which medications to take at certain times. Read on…

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Fall Risks in Older Adults How to Prevent Injuries

A man sitting on the ground with his head down.

Do you know there are about 36 million falls reported among older adults every year, resulting in more than 32,000 deaths? Falls in older adults can result in fatal injury, loss of mobility, depression, and dependence. The risk of falling can be avoided by taking some preventive measures. What Causes Increased Risk of Falling For Seniors? Multiple…

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Effect of Loneliness in the Elderly: Tips to Manage It

A man sitting down with his head turned to the side.

According to a new study by UCSF researchers, loneliness can be extremely burdensome to older individuals and can lead to major health issues and even mortality. The study highlights how 43 percent of assessed older adults felt lonely, despite the fact that just 18 percent lived alone. You need to take care and make sure that your…

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What Are the Signs of Functional Decline in the Elderly?

A person sitting on top of a wooden stick.

Functional decline is a gradual loss of physical and cognitive functioning, causing difficulty in performing activities of daily living, including bathing, dressing, ambulating, toileting, moving, and more. It occurs due to hospitalization or gradually develops after the age of forties and fifties. Taking care of your elderly parents can be overwhelming because they may require…

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How Much Does Companion Care Cost in California?

A group of people sitting around each other.

Elders living alone or people with disabilities or health conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, or Parkinson’s, may need physical and emotional support to be able to live an easier and happier life. However, family members are not always available to help due to their work or other obligations. In this case, you should consider…

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Why is Healthy Aging Important? 6 Tips for Healthy Aging

A woman riding a bike with a purple jacket on.

Age catches up on us all, and while it presents certain obstacles, it is still possible to live well as you grow older. Healthy aging is a lifelong process of maximizing possibilities to preserve and enhance one’s physical and mental health, independence, and quality of life. Healthy aging is affected by numerous things. Some of…

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