A Guide to Creating a Checklist and Daily Care Plan for Dementia Patients

It can be an overwhelming responsibility to care for a dementia patient. This is especially true since the disease is a progressive one and is not completely curable. However, if you have a proper plan in place, you can stay alert and provide the best possible care that they deserve.

The best part of having a dementia care plan is the flexibility that it offers. Having a daily Dementia Care Plan can be instrumental in handling the daily tasks of caregiving. It can be changed and updated as and when needed with the progression of the disease.

Things to Keep in Mind While Creating a Dementia Care

As a caregiver, you must create a plan that involves structured yet enjoyable activities. This will help the patients in dealing with the behavioral symptoms and improve their overall mental and physical health.

Here is a checklist that you can consider while creating a daily dementia care plan for your patient:

  • Healthy, satisfying meal plans
  • Cognitive training activities like solving crossword puzzles and reading
  • Cooking simple snacks
  • Creative activities like arts and crafts and playing or learning music
  • A proper eating schedule
  • Practicing hobbies like gardening or sewing or knitting etc.
  • House chores like cleaning and laundry, dishes and dusting, etc.
  • Hygiene and personal care like bathing and dressing
  • Physical exercises are a must, like yoga and walking, stretching, or jogging
  • Socializing with neighbors, friends, and family

Aside from the points above, you can also follow this sample daycare plan for dementia patients:


Help them to perform the morning hygiene routine. After finishing the breakfast together, engage your patient in enjoyable activities like arts and crafts projects or take a walk.


Enjoy lunch together, then engage in activities like listening to music or watching a movie. After this, try some physical activity, like gardening, or visit a family member, friend, or neighbor.


Eat dinner together. Help with night hygiene like a shower, oral hygiene, and changing pajamas. You can also play a crossword puzzle, read a favorite book passage, or play some relaxing music before they go to sleep.

You as a caregiver should remember that the symptoms of dementia worsen with time, so it’s important to have a flexible daily care plan concerning the patient’s needs.

Tips to Consider for Creating a Checklist for Dementia Care Plan

There are several minute things to consider while creating a dementia care plan for a patient. As a caregiver, you must pay attention to:

  • The abilities of the patient
  • Their various interest
  • Some flexible time for various spontaneous activities
  • History of their daily routine before the diagnosis of dementia
  • Time of the day when the patient is most active
  • Regular wake-up and bedtime can promote an optimal pattern of sleep time.

Apart from the points listed above, the caregiver should keep a stringent check on the patient for evaluating their abilities to adapt to the new dementia care plan. There are certain points that you must keep in mind like:

  • Is the patient adapting to the care plan well? Are they getting bored or restless with any activities? If yes, you must make an effort to change the plan or the activity.
  • Keeping tabs on which activities are enjoyed by the patient and why.
  • Give them ample rest time in-between two activities so that their energy levels do not drop.

Since dementia progresses over time, you must constantly evaluate the outcome of your dementia care plan and implement changes to it whenever required.

Final Thoughts

Flexibility and patience are crucial when caring for dementia patients. Everyone comes with unique needs, and thus each approach should be personalized to ensure the best for the patient. Regardless of the stage of dementia, when you have a daily checklist and a dementia care plan, it becomes much easier and less stressful to care for your patient.
