In-Home Care in Studio City

In-Home Care in Studio City

Professional and Compassionate In-Home Care Services in Studio City

At Home Care Partner, we provide convenient, high-quality non-medical home care for seniors and disabled people in Studio City and surrounding areas throughout LA County.

Whether you need permanent, temporary, or emergency in-home care services, we can help. Our caregivers are flexible with your needs and will work with you to design and adjust a customized in-home care plan for your loved one based on their unique situation. We provide  24-hour home care in Studio City to assist your loved ones during emergencies. With our compassionate home care services, coupled with excellence and professionalism, we are ready to help take great care of your loved ones at your home.

A man and woman sitting on the floor reading.

Professional Caregivers Who Deliver Hassle-Free, Quality Service

Our caregivers in Studio City are well-trained, insured, and fully screened through LiveScan and DMV checks to ensure they have the required skills to handle elderly and disabled people with patience and care. We also conduct regular quality assurance checks to keep track to ensure our clients’ needs are met.

Home Care Partner offers competitive pay, comprehensive benefits, and bonuses to ensure we attract and retain highly-skilled caregivers. We take care of our team members to ensure they provide the best care for your loved ones.

Our unique approach to home care services helps us maintain a healthy relationship with your loved one while nurturing a long-lasting partnership with you as the primary caregiver.

Our home care services provide substantial benefits to your loved ones, including:

  • Greater independence
  • Improved engagement
  • Minimized risk of accidental falls and skids
  • Slowing down cognitive decline
  • Enhanced social and emotional well-being
  • Quicker recovery post-surgery
  • Reduced hospital readmissions

Our home care services include:

  • Grooming and personal hygiene
  • Mobility assistance
  • Alzheimer’s and dementia care
  • Backup care
  • Companion care
  • Transportation services
  • Caring for children with special needs
  • Respite care
  • Prenatal and postnatal care for women
  • Transitional care

Contact Us Today for Home Care Services in Studio City!

Different people require home care services for different reasons. Those with conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s need assistance in personal care, meal preparation, and more. Others may need backup home care services to take care of their children/parents while their primary caregiver is unavailable.

Whatever the reason might be, we are always here to help! With our personalized care packages and flexible schedules, we allow your loved ones to enjoy a sense of freedom and joy while receiving their desired care at home.

To learn more about our home care services, call us today at (818) 581-3080 and schedule a free consultation with our staff.

We are serving Studio City, CA and its surrounding areas