6 Health Benefits of Vitamin D for the Seniors

The human body produces vitamin D in response to sun exposure. However, despite its name, vitamin D is actually a hormone or prohormone rather than a vitamin. This nutrient is essential for maintaining healthy bones. A significant amount of evidence suggests that vitamin D synthesis declines with age. But do you know that seniors run the risk of fractures, muscle pain, aches, etc., if they don’t get an adequate amount of vitamin D?

Some researchers say that older people spend less time outside and vitamin D is less readily absorbed by them as they age. Therefore, your loved ones over 65 are recommended to take vitamin D supplements or concentrate on consuming foods that contain vitamin D because of the increased requirement for vitamin D and the declining rate of its natural production.

Read on to find out more about the need of vitamin D by your senior loved ones.

What Is the Required Amount of Vitamin D Needed by a Senior

Aging affects our body’s capacity to naturally produce vitamin D that we typically get from sunlight. Therefore, it’s recommended that adults up to 70 years old should consume at least 600 IU of vitamin D per day, while adults over 70 should consume at least 800 IU per day. Some experts even recommend taking 1,000 IU of vitamin D every day after the age of 70.

Ways to Intake Vitamin D Naturally

Your elderly loved ones should stay under the sun so that they can get enough sunlight which is the prime way of intaking vitamin D. Another way your loved ones can receive their nutrients is by eating food rich in vitamin D like salmon, mackerel, sardines, milk (fortified), mushroom, etc. or take supplements to help them get the amount of vitamin D they need.

6 Benefits of Vitamin D for Seniors

#1: Better Mental Health and Mood

Your elderly loved ones’ daily mood can be improved by vitamin D, particularly during the darker, colder months. According to several studies, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) symptoms may be related to low levels of Vitamin D3, which are brought on by inadequate sun exposure. Additionally, researchers have discovered “a strong connection between depression and vitamin D insufficiency,” based on a 2017 review study in the journal Neuropsychology. In essence, the hormone serotonin, which controls mood, may be affected by low vitamin D3 levels in the brain. Your elderly adults can significantly improve their overall mood and mental health if they take a Vitamin D3 pill or spend more time outside.

#2: Lowers Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis

According to studies, patients with rheumatoid arthritis, a long-term inflammatory condition of the joints, frequently have low levels of vitamin D. Your elderly loved ones are more likely to experience this. This condition causes inflammation in the joints and stiffness, discomfort, and decreased mobility as the immune system reacts to the proteins in the joint linings as foreign substances. Because Vitamin D supports immune system health, it may be possible to lessen the severity and onset of this illness as well as other autoimmune disorders.

#3: Advances Bone Health

It is undeniable that vitamin D facilitates calcium absorption. The body can maintain a healthy amount of phosphate and calcium thanks to calcium absorption, which helps to build and maintain strong, healthy bones. Since osteoporosis is one of the main causes of fractures and broken bones in older people, having enough vitamin D is essential for protecting against bone illnesses, particularly in seniors. Given this fact, it should come as no surprise that vitamin D supplements have long been recommended for maintaining bone health.

#4: Aids in the Prevention of Cancer and Other Infections

The vital role that vitamin D plays in preserving and boosting the immune system is one of its most significant advantages. It stimulates the generation of T-cells that fights infectious pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi, which cause a variety of illnesses, such as the common cold, influenza, and comparable community-wide diseases. Various studies have also suggested a potential link between vitamin D and the emergence of cancer. Vitamin D helps in cell regeneration and repair, which may slow the development of cancerous tumors, encourage the death of cancer-damaged cells, and prevent the establishment of tumors in blood vessels.

#5: Stimulates Cognitive Function

Vitamin D has been linked by researchers to a number of critical bodily processes, including brain function. The spinal cord and the brain are both filled with vitamin D receptors. Low vitamin D levels can accelerate cognitive deterioration as one ages. There appears to be a link between low vitamin D levels and impaired cognitive performance, according to studies. Suitably, the benefits of vitamin D include nerve growth and repair, as well as neurotransmitter activation and deactivation.

#6: Protects Oral Health

Although osteoporosis and osteopenia can affect people of all ages, they are most frequently seen in elderly patients, who also have the highest risk of periodontal disease and tooth loss. A study shows us vitamin D supplements reduce tooth loss in the elderly. This study showed that 700 IU of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) had a decreased odds ratio of tooth loss in a three-year trial of 145 healthy ambulatory adults 65 years and older. As a result, vitamin D aids in the body’s absorption of calcium and may reduce the occurrence of gum disease, tooth decay, and cavities.

Vitamin D is essential for your elderly loved ones. In addition to strengthening bones and keeping them robust as they age, vitamin D is also a necessary component that may also reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.

If you are finding it difficult to provide better care to your elderly loved one, then you should consider in-home care services. In-home caregivers are professionals who are trained to take care of your loved one’s needs.

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