How Can Seniors Reduce Cholesterol Levels Easily?

Due to low physical activity levels and poor dietary choices, our bodies become prone to many health-related problems. One health problem commonly encountered is high cholesterol levels. Abnormal cholesterol levels can cause many problems, such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.

According to a study, the US population older than 50 years old is more susceptible to high cholesterol levels. It is important to monitor cholesterol levels in your elderly loved ones to avoid many chronic diseases for this reason. In addition to the medications, a healthy lifestyle can help maintain normal cholesterol levels with a good diet in older adults. Healthy seniors must get their cholesterol tested every one to two years, and those with chronic diseases should go through cholesterol screening more often.

Good Cholesterol for Seniors

With age, cholesterol level naturally tends to rise. Because there are substantial risks associated with high cholesterol, doctors often advise seniors to be especially careful in maintaining good cholesterol levels. Good cholesterol, High-density lipoprotein (HDL), is important for the body. HDL cholesterol helps remove additional cholesterol from the body. It is highly recommended to keep a close check on your low-density lipoprotein (LDL), also known as bad cholesterol, because it collects cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels, raising the possibility of developing further health problems. Your elderly loved ones should maintain their HDL levels below 200 and LDL below 100 to have a healthy life. If their LDL cholesterol levels are above 160, it is a clear indication that you start altering their lifestyle and dietary habits.

How Can Seniors Reduce Cholesterol?

The following ways can help seniors maintain their cholesterol levels and lead a healthy life:

#1: Adequate Physical Activity Levels

Being physically active is necessary, and exercise plays a major role in improving cholesterol levels in your elderly loved ones. Monitored physical activity in seniors can help increase HDL cholesterol levels. However, it is advised to consult a doctor before setting a workout regime for seniors. If healthy, they can work up to at least 30 minutes five times a week. Adding physical activity can help your loved ones lose weight. Some of the most benefitting physical activities include:

  • Brisk walk
  • Bicycle riding
  • Playing a favorite sport

#2: Limited Alcohol Consumption

Consumption of alcohol has been frequently linked with higher cholesterol levels. Therefore, doctors usually recommend seniors with higher cholesterol levels limit or quit alcohol. When it’s difficult to completely quit drinking, it is best to moderate their consumption. For your loved ones over 65, one or two drinks a day is enough. Too much alcohol can cause serious health problems, including heart failure and strokes.

#3: Get Plenty of Sleep

Good, sound sleep is the foundation of good health. Ensuring sleep quality matters. Getting too little or too much sleep affects many health aspects, including cholesterol levels. The following practices will help your elderly loved ones sleep well:

  • Setting alarms to go to bed and waking up
  • Sleeping at least seven to eight hours per night
  • Keeping the bedroom cool and quiet
  • Reading a book or taking a bath to relax before bedtime

#4: Healthy Dietary Changes

A few slight changes in the diet of your elderly ones can reduce the risk of high cholesterol levels. Seniors should consume food with less saturated fats to reduce LDL levels. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, herring, walnuts, and flaxseeds, reduce the risk of blood pressure and cardiac disease. Consuming food items enriched with soluble fibers are also great at controlling cholesterol absorption in the bloodstream. It’s also important that you closely check the protein intake of your elderly loved ones and add protein to the diet to lower the LDL cholesterol.

#5: Drink an Adequate Amount of Water

Not drinking sufficient water can lead to an acid build-up in the blood, which leads to high LDL levels. Besides, having plenty of water helps your elderly loved ones to stay hydrated without sugary alternatives like soda which will also help them maintain a healthy weight. Obesity can lead to elevated LDL levels. Getting older with unhealthy body weight can lead to alarming cholesterol levels and, consequently, many health problems. Your elderly loved ones must take care of their water intake to lose those extra pounds and lead healthier lifestyles.

#6: Hire In-Home Assistance

There are multiple complications your elderly loved ones face as they grow old. The physical constraints and diminishing body strength make it difficult for them to lead a healthy lifestyle. From preparing nutrition-enriched meals to maintaining the required physical movement, it can get difficult for older adults to follow the above-mentioned practices to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. To take care of them you can hire an in-home caregiver.

At Home Care Partner, our in-home caregivers can assist by preparing meals per the doctor’s nutrition requirements. If seniors like to cook, they will assist them with meal preparation. Our caregivers will also keep them company and monitor their eating habits.

Home Care Partner Can Help You with In-Home Care Services!

We understand your concerns regarding the good health of your senior adults. For their holistic care, you can trust our home care services. At Home Care Partner, we offer various in-home services, and we are only a phone call away. Contact us to get a personalized in-home care plan for your elderly loved ones.