How Social Media Can Positively Impact Seniors

Maintaining meaningful and gratifying social relationships is mostly seen as one of the key aspects of aging. Social media is an important part of our everyday lives, and many seniors utilize social media to connect with family members and entertainment. This can improve, especially if they frequently stay at home due to chronic illnesses, disabilities, or any other reasons.

What are the Reasons for Social Isolation in Seniors?

Becoming socially isolated is a common problem among the elderly, which typically results from one or more of the following issues:

  • Loneliness following the loss of a spouse or loved one
  • Depression caused by an ongoing disease
  • Difficulty coping and accepting the aging process
  • Restricted mobility
  • Feeling bored and dissatisfied after retirement
  • Stress-induced by financial difficulties
  • Stress associated with moving towns or having to deal with grown children who’ve decided to move away

Remember that once your senior parent has become socially isolated, it can cause more severe health problems or developing depression. This is particularly true for a senior parent who finds it hard to get out of the house due to physical limitations.

How Can Social Media Benefit Seniors?

Here are some obvious ways in which the use of social media can benefit seniors:

#1: Alleviate the Feeling of Loneliness

As children and grandkids grow up and move away, elderly parents feel lonely and may even get socially isolated. In this case, social media helps the elderly keep in touch and up to date. Sharing images and highlights from a birthday party or wedding, for example, may make them feel connected, loved, and cherished in only a few seconds.

#2: Connect with Community Members

Long-lost schoolmates and military comrades are often reunited on social media after being apart for decades. Using social media to meet new people and reconnect with existing ones is a great method for seniors to build new connections based on similar interests. Sites like Facebook, NextDoor, and Instagram make it easier for seniors to connect with others. It’s even better when you have technologies like FaceTime, so you can get face-to-face video interaction.

#3: Hassle-Free Shopping

For those older adults who can’t leave the house because of physical constraints, inability to drive, or bad weather, they may still buy online and have their purchases delivered right to their door. People on a tight budget or on a limited income may take advantage of the many coupons and online deals available.

#4: Foster Learning

There is no doubt that learning new things keeps the mind active at any age. If you’re a senior looking for ways to stay up with the latest scientific developments, current events, and the globe at large, then social media is an excellent way to learn about them.

How We Can Help Your Senior Loved One Stay Active & Engaged

At Home Care Partner, we are aware of the various challenges your loved ones face in their retired life, such as social isolation. This is why we provide various personal care and companion care services.

If you have an older adult at home who needs a companion and extra help at home, contact us today!