Post-Surgery Diet: 9 Foods to Eat After Surgery for Better Recovery

People of different age groups undergo various surgical procedures due to underlying health issues. Be it heart surgery or dental restoration, a doctor will only recommend it in urgent cases like your pain worsening, the quality of your life getting adversely affected, or if you have simply exhausted your other options. However, for elderly people, the thought of undergoing surgery can be intimidating as they are at a higher risk of developing complications during or after the surgery. Risk factors like sleep disturbance due to certain medications or an unwelcome change in the environment can contribute to complications post-op.

Following post-op recommendations is important, along with proper care and nutrition. This can make a quick hospital-to-home transition possible and improve your recovery time.

Role of Nutrition in Speedy Recovery After Surgery

  • Increases the level of energy
  • Helps heal the incisions on the body
  • Helps to replace any loss of blood
  • Boosts the immune system to protect against various infections
  • Helps repair the nerves, blood vessels, muscles, bones, and skin

9 Foods to Eat After Surgery to Get You Back to Normalcy

Proper nutrition can aid in recovery and healing, whereas improper nutrition can trigger uncomfortable complications. After surgery, your doctor will provide you with certain instructions regarding what to eat. The food you consume will depend on your type of surgery and the pre-existing health conditions.

Following are 9 foods that help heal and recover quickly:

#1: Poultry

Specific amino acids like arginine and glutamine can be found in turkey and chicken that aid in healing and recovery. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and play crucial roles in immune function and wound healing. Arginine helps produce collagen and wound healing, whereas glutamine provides cellular protection during times of stress like an illness.

#2: Cruciferous vegetables

Vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, and kale contain isothiocyanates that help in boosting the immune system by activating immune defenses and suppressing inflammation. They are also rich in nutrients that aid, like B vitamins and vitamin C.

#3: Sweet potatoes

These are rich in carbs that wounds. They are also packed with anti-inflammatory plant compounds and minerals that optimize immune response and help in recovery.

#4: Seeds and nuts

Seeds and nuts like pecans, almonds, walnuts, etc., provide plant-based protein, vitamins, healthy fats, and minerals that support the process of healing. These are great sources of vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant that protects against cellular damage.

#5: Berries

Berries are filled with nutrients and provide vitamin C, which promotes wound healing by stimulating the production of collagen. They also provide antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immune-supporting effects.

#6: Salmon

Not only is salmon packed with selenium, iron, zinc, B vitamins, protein, and iron, but studies show that its omega-3 fats may reduce inflammation, enhance immune response, and promote wound healing.

#7: Eggs

Eggs are not just an excellent source of absorbable protein, but they are also rich in various nutrients like vitamins B12 and A, zinc, selenium, and iron that support wound healing and immune health.

#8: Green leafy vegetables

These are rich in manganese, magnesium, provitamin A, vitamin C, and folate, enhancing immune function, improving wounds, and decreasing inflammation.

#9: Probiotics

Probiotic-rich foods like yogurt help regulate the body system that usually gets upset due to prescribed antibiotics and painkillers after surgery. They provide a mental balance and fight off infections and germs that you may get after a procedure or hospital stay.

Please consult your doctor for any specific nutrition recommendations post-operation. If you need in-home elderly care services especially after surgery, Home Care Partner in Encino, CA, can match you with the right caregiver to provide the best in-home care services. This can include medication reminders, meal preparations, and assistance with mobility. Contact our team to learn more.

Relatable: 9 Reasons To Choose In-Home Care For Your Elder Loved One
