9 Reasons to Choose In-Home Care for Your Elder Loved One

A couple of people that are looking at something on a tablet

These days, most older adults choose in-home care as their first option because it allows for greater flexibility and freedom. This is because their home is a place they have developed an emotional and physical attachment with through many years, and it’s where most of their memories reside. If you are still unsure about selecting…

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Home Care vs. Home Health Care: How Do They Differ?

A man and woman sitting on the couch.

One can easily get confused by the terms home care and home health care. Most people are not aware that they do not refer to the same thing. Many health agencies use these terms interchangeably without knowing the essential difference between the two terms. While there are some similarities in these two types of care,…

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How Social Media Can Positively Impact Seniors

A woman sitting in front of a laptop computer.

Maintaining meaningful and gratifying social relationships is mostly seen as one of the key aspects of aging. Social media is an important part of our everyday lives, and many seniors utilize social media to connect with family members and entertainment. This can improve, especially if they frequently stay at home due to chronic illnesses, disabilities,…

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What are the Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Seniors?

A man and woman eating fruit at an outdoor table.

There is no doubt that breakfast is the most essential meal of the day that provides us with the nutrients and energy that is both healthy and filling to have a productive and energetic morning. But do you know that older people might have trouble making nutritious food? In this blog we will learn more…

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Parkinson’s Vs. Multiple Sclerosis: How Are These Conditions Different?

A person holding their hands with the words parkinson 's multiple sclerosis on top of them.

Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis are two medical conditions that are frequently confused with each other since they are both progressive and have similar symptoms, but there are some significant differences between the two. Here we will discuss the difference and similarities between the two. Understanding Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis Parkinson’s disease is a neurological…

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9 Essentials for Your Postpartum Recovery

A woman holding a baby and a pink sweater

When you finally give birth to your baby, your responsibilities shift greatly to cater to your baby. However, it’s also very important to take care of yourself as well during postpartum. There are a few things that should make your first few days after birth a little more bearable. Incorporate this Postpartum Care Checklist to…

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