Fall Risks in Older Adults How to Prevent Injuries

Do you know there are about 36 million falls reported among older adults every year, resulting in more than 32,000 deaths? Falls in older adults can result in fatal injury, loss of mobility, depression, and dependence. The risk of falling can be avoided by taking some preventive measures.

What Causes Increased Risk of Falling For Seniors?

Multiple factors can increase the risk of falls in older adults. Limited sensory support and mobility cause many problems at this age. Poor eyesight and hearing impairment are chief reasons for falls in older adults. Reduced strength and stamina can lead to wobbly legs and poor balance.

Take the Right Steps to Prevent the Falls in the Elderly

They say that “Prevention is better than cure.†The saying is not at all wrong. A few preventive steps can reduce the risk of falls in older people. It is important to protect them from injuries at such an age because healing is slow, and recovery takes far longer. You can introduce a few important changes to avoid falling-

Wear the right footwear

The right footwear can protect your loved ones from falling. Choosing loose-fit shoes or slippers can be a horrendous choice. Slip-on backless shoes do not provide a good grip and make them prone to falling. It will help if you choose comfortable shoes that are the right fit for their feet and can provide them with the required support and grip.

Make sure the home is well lit

Poorly lighted areas are one of the major causes of falls in older people. Due to old age, their eyesight weakens and makes it difficult for them to see any hazards. Make sure that your house and the nearby area are well lit so that they can easily spot obstructions.

Check your floors

Walking on a wet floor is a big no for older adults. Ensure that wet floors are properly dried and notified by using warning boards or being vigilant. Uneven surfaces can also lead to an imbalance in older people. If the floor is damaged, ensure to get it repaired. Moreover, avoid floorings that can lead to falls.

Eliminate unnecessary obstructions

Anything that can cause obstructions must be removed from the vicinity. Household clutter is not advisable when older people are in the family. It increases the chance of falls and injuries in seniors.

Give extra attention to the bathroom

Most of the falling instances occur in a slippery bathroom. Wet floors and slippery tiles are a bad combination. What might look great to your eyes can become fatal for your elderly family members. Do not use entangling rugs in the bathroom because they can cause tripping and subsequent injury.

Watch for their strength and balance

Reduced strength can lead to fainting and a lack of balance. Be observant and look for symptoms of weakness in your elderly family members. You must be extra careful if you observe any sign indicating that seniors need support or help walking.

Monitor their medication

Some medicines can lead to dizziness, numbness, or lack of concentration. Always keep in mind to check what medicines your loved ones are taking. There is a probability of falling if they are on such medication and are unattended. Talk to the doctor if you notice any such side effects of medications.

Keep an eye on movement as much as possible

It is advisable to check on your loved ones and not leave them unattended. Leaving them alone on long walks might not be a great idea if they have had a history of falls or are prone to them. You can keep an eye on their movement or get the help of caregivers to ensure safety and prevent falls in older adults.

Ask for help

There are caregivers and support partners that can prove pivotal in ensuring the well-being and safety of your loved ones. The caregivers are trained people who can take care of all the needs of older adults. Do not hesitate to contact the right caregiver provider to get help.

Our caregivers at Home Care Partner are trained to provide your loved ones with needed support and assistance. Contact us today to get a customized care plan.