Why is Medication Management Important for Seniors?

Medication management entails monitoring, medication reconciliation, and ensuring that the patient achieves the intended results.

Medication management is necessary for patients who struggle with understanding their regimen’s effects and those who do not experience their desired results. These patients mostly include seniors who have problems remembering which medications to take at certain times.

Read on to learn more about the importance of senior medication management.

Why Is Medication Management for Seniors Important?

Many seniors have to take multiple medications for their health issues. Correct medicine administration is critical for treating your loved one’s health issues and controlling their symptoms. Here are some reasons why senior’s medication management is important.

  • A large percentage of seniors take prescription medicine. Studies show that approximately 70% of Americans are on at least one prescribed drug, with seniors making up more than 40%.
  • A huge percentage of seniors take multiple prescription drugs. Studies show that people who are 65 to 84 years old take almost 14 to 18 prescriptions every year.
  • Seniors will likely make mistakes due to their memory problems and high volume of prescription medications and may mix them up.
  • Family caregivers might get confused due to the multiple prescription medications for the senior’s various health issues.
  • Improper medication management can result in serious complications, hospitalization, and a greater struggle for recovery for seniors.
  • Adhering to proper medication management can successfully recover short-term illnesses and control chronic illness in seniors.

What Are the Severe Side Effects of Medication Mismanagement and How It Leads to A Worse Situation?

Seniors are at risk of developing complications due to mismanagement of medications as, with age, their kidneys and liver fail to eliminate the excessive drugs from their bodies.

Here are some of the side effects of medication mismanagement:

  • Memory loss
  • Confusion
  • Hallucinations
  • Falls and accidents
  • Drowsiness
  • Loss of coordination
  • Malnutrition/weight loss

At-Home Medication Management & Care: The Specifics

A professional in-home caregiver can help remind your loved ones of when they should be taking their medication. Caregivers can help with:

  • Basic medication management practices like making sure that the client is taking the right medicine, in the correct quantity, in the right way, and at the right time.
  • Communication with the client to make sure that they are taking their right medications and at the right time.
  • Staying on top of prescriptions that need refills.

Tips for Medication Management for Seniors

#1: Collect all drugs, vitamins, over-the-counter medications, and supplements in one place

Collect all the medications and store them in one single place. This way, you can see exactly what pills are being used, ensure that duplicate prescriptions aren’t being issued for the same health condition, and know when to dispose of expired medications.

#2: Make certain that medications are properly stored

Medications should always be kept in cool and dry places. Also, make sure that they are out of the reach of children or pets.

#3: Create and retain an up-to-date medication list

It is critical to know what drugs your elderly loved one is taking in order to avoid dangerous drug interactions. That’s why it’s necessary to keep a current record of their drugs, vitamins, supplements, and over-the-counter medications.

#4: Check that the medication instructions are clear

Make sure you and your elderly loved one understand which drugs must be taken at the same time and which must be separated to avoid unpleasant side effects.

#5: Configure a medication reminder and tracking system.

With so many prescriptions, seniors and caregivers may find it difficult to remember when to take each dose. Taking notes with a pen and paper or setting timers and reminders on your smartphone is a simple approach to keeping track of when prescriptions were taken.

When Is the Right Time to Hire a Personal Caregiver?

Hire a personal caregiver if the senior:

  • Has vision or hearing loss
  • Has a loss of hand function
  • Is facing challenges with daily living activities
  • Has returned from surgery and needs bed rest
  • Needs an extra care

Our caregivers are fully trained and certified to help your loved ones, so they can live their lives with ease. Our caregivers assist them by reminding them when to take their medicines and help with daily living activities. Contact us today for more information about our in-home care services.