7 Ways How to Take Care of the Elderly When They Fall

Older people are prone to falls and these are usually caused due to medical problems or general health conditions. According to research, approximately 3 million elderly adults are treated for fall injuries in the emergency departments of hospitals and medical clinics. There are also reports of almost 36 million falls among elderly adults annually with more than 32,000 fatal cases from fall accidents.

This is because aging leads to muscle weakness, particularly in the legs, walking difficulties, and poor balance – all these can cause falls. And a fall can cause head injuries and fractured bones of the hip, waist, arms, legs, etc.

While you cannot reverse the aging process and the various conditions that come with it, you can help prevent falls in the elderly. However, fall accidents might happen even with preventive steps. If such a situation arises, you need to take proper care of the elderly so that they have a quick recovery from the accident injury. Along with physical care, you also need to provide emotional care and support for their overall recovery.

How to Take Care of the Elderly When They Fall?

Let us take a look at some of the best ways you can take care of the elderly when they have a fall accident.

#1: Follow-up appointments with the doctor are a must

Many elderly patients need to stay at the hospital or a rehabilitation facility for fall recovery. Make sure that you set the follow-up appointment dates in advance. Regular check-ups are important to know the current state of the patient and to determine the progress that the patient is making. Chances are high that the patient will not want to visit the doctor if they are feeling well and there are no problems as such, but as a caregiver, you must remind them that visiting the doctor is important for ensuring complete recovery.

#2: Show compassion and empathy

Seniors tend to develop a feeling of guilt and frustration after a fall. Along with feeling ashamed they have a fear that their family will have negative reactions. Instead of being angry with them, show them empathy and compassion because that is what they need at that moment. A compassionate conversation with the elderly ensures that you understand their condition. Let them know that their health and well-being are your primary concern. Open communication with the elderly helps in addressing and solving many problems.

#3: Involve family fun in the recovery process

An accident might make the senior stay in bed resting for some time and might restrict movements. As a result, they become bored and depressed. During the recovery process, try having some family fun time surrounding the elderly member so that they understand that the family loves them during this difficult time for them. You can also try putting together a dinner or arranging some family movie time together.

#4: Help in learning how they can prevent future falls

Elderly people who have suffered from a fall once are at high risk of falls in the future too. Try and let them gain confidence so that they can walk around the house. Tell them how they can prevent future falls. Encourage them to practice some light exercises. Include small activities in their routine so that they remain active and improve their stability and balance. It might be a little difficult in the beginning, but in the long run, this is effective and beneficial.

#5: Remain calm and composed and keep on supporting them

Catering to an elderly patient suffering from a fall is not as easy as it seems. It is worrisome and quite stressful for the caregiver. Remaining strong and calm at this point is necessary. Do not forget to encourage the patient as this boosts self-confidence and their urge to recover faster. With love and support, the biggest of injuries can be healed.

#6: Make sure that the home is safe and secured

One of the most important preventive steps for avoiding falls is to make the home safe and secure. There might be potential hazards and risks around the home increasing the chances of a fall for the elderly. Check your home thoroughly and remove all such hazards at once. You can also get a home check done by professionals to ensure that your home is safe. Do this as soon as the fall patient regains mobility.

#7: Hire an in-home caregiver

If you are working and have no one to take care of the elderly patient at home, it is recommended that you hire an in-home caregiver. You can choose from short-term care to long-term assistance, depending on the patient’s condition. Along with taking good care of the patient, the caregiver can also carry out household chores and other tasks.

Take Care of the Elderly with Home Care Partner’s In-home Care Services

Our elders took care of us when we were young and now it’s our responsibility to help them live a peaceful life in their old age. So, if you are looking for in-home care services for elderly people, patients, or people with special needs, Contact us today. At Home Care Partner, along with getting a free assessment, we provide a customized care plan as per your requirements.